fbuilderjQuery = (typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery; fbuilderjQuery(window).bind( 'pageshow', function( event ){ if( typeof event.originalEvent[ 'persisted' ] != 'undefined' && event.originalEvent[ 'persisted' ] ) location.reload(); } ); fbuilderjQuery.fbuilderjQueryGenerator = function(){ (function($) { // Namespace of fbuilder if(!('fbuilder' in $)) { $.fbuilder = $.fbuilder || {}; $.fbuilder[ 'objName' ] = 'fbuilderjQuery'; /* * logical.js v0.1 * By: CALCULATED FIELD PROGRAMMERS * The script allows make logical operations like functions * Copyright 2013 CODEPEOPLE * You may use this project under MIT or GPL licenses. */ ;(function(root){ var lib = {}; lib.cf_logical_version = '0.1'; // IF( logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false ) lib.IF = function( condition, if_true, if_false ){ if ( condition ) { return ( typeof if_true === 'undefined' ) ? true : if_true; } else { return ( typeof if_false === 'undefined' ) ? false : if_false; } }; // AND( logical1, logical2, ... ) lib.AND = function(){ for (var i = 0, h = arguments.length; i < h; i++) { if (!arguments[i]) { return false; } } return true; }; // OR( logical1, logical2, ... ) lib.OR = function(){ for (var i = 0, h = arguments.length; i < h; i++) { if ( arguments[i] ) { return true; } } return false; }; // NOT( term ) lib.NOT = function( _term ){ return ( typeof _term == 'undefined' ) ? true : !_term; }; // IN( term, values ) values can be a string or an array lib.IN = function( _term, _values, _case_sensitive ){ function _reduce( str ){ var str = String(str).replace( /^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').replace(/\s+/, ' '); if(typeof _case_sensitive == 'undefined' || !_case_sensitive) str = str.toLowerCase() return str; }; _term = _reduce( _term ); if( typeof _values == 'string' ) { if($.isNumeric(_term) && $.isNumeric(_values)) return _term == _values; return _reduce(_values).indexOf(_term) != -1; } else if( typeof _values == 'object' && _values.length ){ for( var i = 0, h = _values.length; i < h; i++) if( _reduce( _values[ i ] ) == _term ) return true; } return false; }; root.CF_LOGICAL = lib; })(this); fbuilderjQuery = ( typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'default' ] = { 'prefix' : '', 'callback' : function() { var math_prop = ["LN10", "PI", "E", "LOG10E", "SQRT2", "LOG2E", "SQRT1_2", "LN2", "cos", "pow", "log", "tan", "sqrt", "asin", "abs", "exp", "atan2", "atanh", "random", "acos", "atan", "sin"]; for(var i = 0, h = math_prop.length; i < h; i++) { if( !window[ math_prop[ i ] ] ) { window[ math_prop[ i ] ] = window[ math_prop[ i ].toUpperCase() ] = Math[ math_prop[ i ] ]; } } if(Number.prototype.LENGTH == undefined) { // Only LENGTH in uppercase to prevent a conflict with Lottie Number.prototype.LENGTH = function(){return this.valueOf().toString().length;}; } if(window.REMAINDER == undefined) { window.REMAINDER = window.remainder = function(a, b){return a%b;}; } function ROUNDx(operation, num, y) { if(y && y != 0) { var r = operation(num/y)*y, p = (new String(y)).split('.'); if(p.length == 2) r = PREC(r,p[1].length); return r; } else { return operation(num); } }; if(window.ROUND == undefined) { window.ROUND = window.round = function(num, y) { if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.round, num, y); return ROUNDx(Math.round, num); } } if(window.FLOOR == undefined) { window.FLOOR = window.floor = function(num, y) { if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.floor, num, y); return ROUNDx(Math.floor, num); } } if(window.CEIL == undefined) { window.CEIL = window.ceil = function(num, y) { if(y) return ROUNDx(Math.ceil, num, y); return ROUNDx(Math.ceil, num); } } if(window.PREC == undefined) { window.PREC = window.prec = function (num, pr) { if('undefined' == typeof pr) pr = 0; if(/^\d+$/.test(pr) && $.isNumeric(num)) { var f = Math.pow(10,pr); num = Math.round(num*f)/f; return num.toFixed(pr); } return num; }; } // End if window.PREC if(window.CDATE == undefined) { window.CDATE = window.cdate = function ( num, format ) { format = ( typeof format != 'undefined' ) ? format : ( ( typeof window.DATETIMEFORMAT != 'undefined' ) ? window.DATETIMEFORMAT : 'dd/mm/yyyy' ); if(isFinite(num*1)) { var time_only = (num<1); num = Math.round(num*86400000); if(time_only) num += (new Date(2021,01,01,0,0,0,0)).valueOf(); var date = new Date(num), d = (time_only) ? 0 : date.getDate(), m = (time_only) ? 0 : date.getMonth()+1, y = (time_only) ? 0 : date.getFullYear(), h = date.getHours(), i = date.getMinutes(), s = date.getSeconds(), a = ''; m = (m < 10) ? '0'+m : m; d = (d < 10) ? '0'+d : d; if( /a/.test( format ) ) { a = ( h >= 12 ) ? 'pm' : 'am'; h = h % 12; h = ( h == 0 ) ? 12: h; } h = (h < 10) ? '0'+h : h; i = (i < 10) ? '0'+i : i; s = (s < 10) ? '0'+s : s; return format.replace( /\by{2}\b/i, y%100) .replace( /y+/i, y) .replace( /m+/i, m) .replace( /d+/i, d) .replace( /h+/i, h) .replace( /i+/i, i) .replace( /s+/i, s) .replace( /a+/i, a); } return num; }; } // End if window.CDATE if(window.SUM == undefined) { window.SUM = window.sum = function () { var r = 0, t; for(var i in arguments) { if(Array.isArray(arguments[i])) r += SUM.apply(this,arguments[i]); else if(jQuery.isPlainObject(arguments[i])) r += SUM.apply(this,Object.values(arguments[i])); else { t = arguments[i]*1; if(!isNaN(t)) r += t; } } return r; }; } // End if window.SUM if(window.CONCATENATE == undefined) { window.CONCATENATE = window.concatenate = function () { var r = ''; for(var i in arguments) { if(Array.isArray(arguments[i])) r += CONCATENATE.apply(this,arguments[i]); else if(jQuery.isPlainObject(arguments[i])) r += CONCATENATE.apply(this,Object.values(arguments[i])); else r += (new String(arguments[i])); } return r; }; } // End if window.CONCATENATE if(window.AVERAGE == undefined) { window.AVERAGE = window.average = function () { return SUM.apply(this,arguments)/arguments.length; }; } // End if window.AVERAGE if(window.GCD == undefined) { window.GCD = window.gcd = function( a, b) { if ( ! b) return a; return GCD(b, a % b); }; } // End if window.GCD if(window.LCM == undefined) { window.LCM = window.lcm = function( a, b) { return (!a || !b) ? 0 : ABS((a * b) / GCD(a, b)); }; } // End if window.LCM if(window.LOGAB == undefined) { window.LOGAB = window.logab = function( a, b) { return LOG(a)/LOG(b); }; } // End if window.LOGAB if(window.MIN == undefined) { window.MIN = window.min = function () { var l = []; for(var i in arguments) var l = l.concat(arguments[i]); return Math.min.apply(this, l); }; } // End if window.MIN if(window.MAX == undefined) { window.MAX = window.max = function () { var l = []; for(var i in arguments) var l = l.concat(arguments[i]); return Math.max.apply(this, l); }; } // End if window.MAX if(window.RADIANS == undefined) { window.RADIANS = window.radians = function(a){ return a*PI/180;}; } if(window.DEGREES == undefined) { window.DEGREES = window.degrees = function(a){ return a*180/PI;}; } if(window.FACTORIAL == undefined) { window.FACTORIAL = window.factorial = function(a){ if(a<0 || FLOOR(a) != a) return null; var r = 1; for(var i=1; i<=a; i++) r *= i return r; }; } if(window.FRACTIONTODECIMAL == undefined) { window.FRACTIONTODECIMAL = window.fractiontodecimal = window.fractionToDecimal = function(v){ try { var x = v.toString().split('/'); return parseInt(x[0], 10)/((1 in x) ? parseInt(x[1], 10) : 1); }catch(err){return v;} }; } if(window.DECIMALTOFRACTION == undefined) { window.DECIMALTOFRACTION = window.decimaltofraction = window.decimalToFraction = function(v){ try { if(v*1 == parseInt(v, 10)) return parseInt(v, 10); var x = v.toString().split('.'), top = parseInt(x[0]+''+x[1]), bottom = Math.pow(10, x[1].length), y = gcd(Math.abs(top), bottom); return (top/y) + '/' + (bottom/y); }catch(err){return v;} }; } if(window.FRACTIONSUM == undefined) { window.FRACTIONSUM = window.fractionsum = function(){ try { var _aux = function(a, b){ var d1, d2, m, r; a = (a+'/1').split('/'); b = (b+'/1').split('/'); d1 = a[0]*b[1]+a[1]*b[0]; d2 = a[1]*b[1]; if(isNaN(d1) || isNaN(d2)) throw 'Invalid numbers'; m = abs(gcd(d1,d2)); r = d1/m + IF(d2/m == 1, '', '/'+d2/m); return jQuery.isNumeric(r) ? r*1 : r; }; var r = 0; for(var i in arguments) r = _aux(r,arguments[i]); return r; } catch(err){} }; } if(window.FRACTIONSUB == undefined) { window.FRACTIONSUB = window.fractionsub = function(){ try { var _aux = function(a, b){ var d1, d2, m, r; a = (a+'/1').split('/'); b = (b+'/1').split('/'); d1 = a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0]; d2 = a[1]*b[1]; if(isNaN(d1) || isNaN(d2)) throw 'Invalid numbers'; m = abs(gcd(d1,d2)); r = d1/m + IF(d2/m == 1, '', '/'+d2/m); return jQuery.isNumeric(r) ? r*1 : r; }; var r = 0; for(var i in arguments) { if(i == 0) r = _aux(arguments[i], r); else r = _aux(r,arguments[i]); } return r; } catch(err){} }; } if(window.FRACTIONMULT == undefined) { window.FRACTIONMULT = window.fractionmult = function(){ try { var _aux = function(a, b){ var d1, d2, m, r; a = (a+'/1').split('/'); b = (b+'/1').split('/'); d1 = a[0]*b[0]; d2 = a[1]*b[1]; if(isNaN(d1) || isNaN(d2)) throw 'Invalid numbers'; m = abs(gcd(d1,d2)); r = d1/m + IF(d2/m == 1, '', '/'+d2/m); return jQuery.isNumeric(r) ? r*1 : r; }; var r = 1; for(var i in arguments) r = _aux(r,arguments[i]); return r; } catch(err){} }; } if(window.FRACTIONDIV == undefined) { window.FRACTIONDIV = window.fractiondiv = function(){ try { var _aux = function(a, b){ var d1, d2, m, r; a = (a+'/1').split('/'); b = (b+'/1').split('/'); d1 = a[0]*b[1]; d2 = a[1]*b[0]; if(isNaN(d1) || isNaN(d2)) throw 'Invalid numbers'; m = abs(gcd(d1,d2)); r = d1/m + IF(d2/m == 1, '', '/'+d2/m); return jQuery.isNumeric(r) ? r*1 : r; }; var r = 1; for(var i in arguments) { if(i == 0) r = _aux(arguments[i], r); else r = _aux(r,arguments[i]); } return r; } catch(err){} }; } if(window.SCIENTIFICTODECIMAL == undefined) { window.SCIENTIFICTODECIMAL = window.scientifictodecimal = function(x){ x *= 1; if (Math.abs(x) < 1.0) { var e = parseInt(x.toString().split('e-')[1]); if(e) { x *= Math.pow(10,e-1); x = '0.' + (new Array(e)).join('0') + x.toString().substring(2); } } else { var e = parseInt(x.toString().split('+')[1]); if (e > 20) { e -= 20; x /= Math.pow(10,e); x += (new Array(e+1)).join('0'); } } return x; }; } if(window.DECIMALTOSCIENTIFIC == undefined) { window.DECIMALTOSCIENTIFIC = window.decimaltoscientific = function(x){ var v = Number(x).toExponential(); return (isNaN(v) || x == '') ? x : v; }; } if(window.FORMAT == undefined) { window.FORMAT = window.format = function(x,o){ return fbuilderjQuery.fbuilder.calculator.format(x,o); }; } fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'extend_window' ]( fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'default' ][ 'prefix' ], CF_LOGICAL ); }, 'validator' : function( v ) { return ( typeof v == 'number' ) ? isFinite( v ) : ( typeof v != 'undefined' ); } };/* * datetime.js v0.1 * By: CALCULATED FIELD PROGRAMMERS * The script allows operations with date and time * Copyright 2013 CODEPEOPLE * You may use this project under MIT or GPL licenses. */ ;(function(root){ var lib = {}, default_format = ( typeof window.DATETIMEFORMAT != 'undefined' ) ? window.DATETIMEFORMAT : 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss a', regExp = ''; Date.prototype.valid = function() { return isFinite(this); }; /*** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ***/ function _getDateObj( date, format ){ var d = new Date(); format = format || default_format; if( typeof date != 'undefined' ){ if( typeof date == 'number' ){ d = new Date(Math.ceil(date*86400000)); }else if( typeof date == 'string' ){ var p; if( null != ( p = /(\d{4})[\/\-\.](\d{1,2})[\/\-\.](\d{1,2})/.exec( date ) ) ){ if( /y{4}[\/\-\.]m{2}[\/\-\.]d{2}/i.test( format ) ){ d = new Date( p[ 1 ], ( p[ 2 ] - 1 ), p[ 3 ] ); }else{ d = new Date( p[ 1 ], ( p[ 3 ] - 1 ), p[ 2 ] ); } date = date.replace( p[ 0 ], '' ); } if( null != ( p = /(\d{1,2})[\/\-\.](\d{1,2})[\/\-\.](\d{4})/.exec( date ) ) ){ if( /d{2}[\/\-\.]m{2}[\/\-\.]y{4}/i.test( format ) ){ d = new Date( p[ 3 ], ( p[ 2 ] - 1 ), p[ 1 ] ); }else{ d = new Date( p[ 3 ], ( p[ 1 ] - 1 ), p[ 2 ] ); } date = date.replace( p[ 0 ], '' ); } if( null != ( p = /(\d{1,2})[\/\-\.](\d{1,2})[\/\-\.](\d{2})/.exec( date ) ) ){ if( /d{2}[\/\-\.]m{2}[\/\-\.]y{2}/i.test( format ) ){ d = new Date( 2000+p[ 3 ]*1, ( p[ 2 ] - 1 ), p[ 1 ] ); }else if( /m{2}[\/\-\.]d{2}[\/\-\.]y{2}/i.test( format ) ){ d = new Date( 2000+p[ 3 ]*1, ( p[ 1 ] - 1 ), p[ 2 ] ); }else if( /y{2}[\/\-\.]d{2}[\/\-\.]m{2}/i.test( format ) ){ d = new Date( 2000+p[ 1 ]*1, ( p[ 3 ] - 1 ), p[ 2 ] ); }else if( /y{2}[\/\-\.]m{2}[\/\-\.]d{2}/i.test( format ) ){ d = new Date( 2000+p[ 1 ]*1, ( p[ 2 ] - 1 ), p[ 3 ] ); } date = date.replace( p[ 0 ], '' ); } if( null != ( p = /(\d{1,2})[:\.](\d{1,2})([:\.](\d{1,2}))?\s*([ap]m)?/i.exec( date ) ) ){ if(/h+/i.test( format ) ){ if( typeof p[ 5 ] != 'undefined' && /pm/i.test( p[ 5 ] ) ) p[ 1 ] = ( p[ 1 ]*1 + 12 ) % 24; d.setHours( p[ 1 ] ); } if(/i+/i.test( format ) ) d.setMinutes( p[ 2 ] ); if(/s+/i.test( format ) && (typeof p[ 4 ] != 'undefined') ) d.setSeconds( p[ 4 ] ); } }else{ d = new Date( date ); } } return d; }; /*** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***/ lib.cf_datetime_version = '0.1'; // DATEOBJ( date_string, date_format_string ) lib.DATEOBJ = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d; return false; }; // YEAR( date_string, date_format_string ) lib.YEAR = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d.getFullYear(); return false; }; // MONTH( date_string, date_format_string ) lib.MONTH = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d.getMonth()+1; return false; }; // DAY( date_string, date_format_string ) lib.DAY = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d.getDate(); return false; }; // WEEKDAY( date_string, date_format_string ) lib.WEEKDAY = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d.getDay()+1; return false; }; // WEEKDAY( date_string, date_format_string ) lib.WEEKNUM = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ), tmp = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ){ // ISO week date weeks start on monday var dayNr = ( d.getDay() + 6 ) % 7; // ISO 8601 states that week 1 is the week with the first thursday of that year. tmp.setDate( d.getDate() - dayNr + 3 ); // Store the millisecond value of the tmp date var firstThursday = tmp.valueOf(); // Set the tmp to the first thursday of the year // First set the tmp to january first tmp.setMonth(0, 1); // Not a thursday? Correct the date to the next thursday if (tmp.getDay() != 4) { tmp.setMonth(0, 1 + ((4 - tmp.getDay()) + 7) % 7); } // The weeknumber is the number of weeks between the // first thursday of the year and the thursday in the tmp week return 1 + Math.ceil((firstThursday - tmp) / 604800000); // 604800000 = 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 } return false; }; // HOURS( datetime_string, datetime_format_string ) lib.HOURS = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d.getHours(); return false; }; // MINUTES( datetime_string, datetime_format_string ) lib.MINUTES = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d.getMinutes(); return false; }; // SECONDS( datetime_string, datetime_format_string ) lib.SECONDS = function( date, format ){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ) return d.getSeconds(); return false; }; // NOW() Return a datetime object lib.NOW = function(){ return _getDateObj(); }; // TODAY() Return a datetime object limited to date only lib.TODAY = function(){ var d = _getDateObj(); d.setHours( 0 ); d.setMinutes( 0 ); d.setSeconds( 0 ); return d; }; lib.EOMONTH = function(d,n){ n = (n || 0) + 1; var d1 = _getDateObj(d); d1.setDate(1); d1.setMonth(d1.getMonth()+n); d1.setDate(d1.getDate()-1); return d1; }; /* * DATEDIFF( datetime_string, datetime_string, return_format) * * return_format: * d - number of days, and remaining hours, minutes and seconds * m - number of months, and remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds * y - number of years, and remaining months, days, hours, minutes and seconds * * the function return an object with attributes: years, months and days depending of return_format argument */ lib.DATEDIFF = function( date_one, date_two, date_format, return_format ){ var d1 = _getDateObj( date_one, date_format ), d2 = _getDateObj( date_two, date_format ), diff, r = { 'years' : -1, 'months' : -1, 'days' : -1, 'hours' : -1, 'minutes' : -1, 'seconds' : -1 }; if( d1.valid() && d2.valid() ){ if( d1.valueOf() > d2.valueOf() ){ d2 = _getDateObj( date_one, date_format ); d1 = _getDateObj( date_two, date_format ); } diff = d2.valueOf() - d1.valueOf(); if( typeof return_format == 'undefined' || return_format == 'd' ){ r.days = Math.floor( diff/86400000 ); }else{ var months, days, tmp; months = (d2.getFullYear() - d1.getFullYear()) * 12; months -= d1.getMonth() + 1; months += d2.getMonth() + 1; days = d2.getDate() - d1.getDate(); if( days < 0 ){ months--; tmp = new Date( d1.getFullYear(), d1.getMonth()+1 ); days = ( tmp.valueOf() - d1.valueOf() )/86400000 + d2.getDate() + 1; } r.months = months; r.days = Math.floor(days); if( /y/i.test( return_format ) ){ r.years = Math.floor( months/12 ); r.months = months % 12; } } r.hours = Math.floor( diff%86400000/3600000 ); r.minutes = Math.floor( diff%86400000%3600000/60000 ); r.seconds = Math.floor( diff%86400000%3600000%60000/1000); } return r; }; /* * DATETIMESUM( datetime_string, format, number, to_increase ) * to_increase: * s - seconds * i - minutes * h - hours * d - add the number of days, * m - add the number of months, * y - add the number of years * */ lib.DATETIMESUM = function( date, format, number, to_increase){ var d = _getDateObj( date, format ); if( d.valid() ){ if( typeof number != 'number' && isNaN( parseFloat( number ) ) ) number = 0; else number = parseFloat( number ); if( typeof to_increase == 'undefined' ) to_increase = 'd'; if( /y+/i.test( to_increase ) ) d.setFullYear( d.getFullYear() + number ); else if( /d+/i.test( to_increase ) ) d.setDate( d.getDate() + number ); else if( /m+/i.test( to_increase ) ){ var tmp = DAY(d) d.setDate(1); d.setMonth( d.getMonth() + number ); d = EOMONTH(d); d.setDate(MIN(tmp,DAY(d))); } else if( /h+/i.test( to_increase ) ) d.setHours( d.getHours() + number ); else if( /i+/i.test( to_increase ) ) d.setMinutes( d.getMinutes() + number ); else d.setSeconds( d.getSeconds() + number ); return d; } return false; }; lib.DECIMALTOTIME = lib.decimaltotime = function(value, from_format, to_format){ function complete(v, f) { if(1= 12 ) ? 'pm' : 'am'; m = ( m < 10 ) ? '0'+m : m; d = ( d < 10 ) ? '0'+d : d; if( /a+/.test( format ) ){ h = h % 12; h = ( h ) ? h : 12; } h = ( h < 10 ) ? '0'+h : h; i = ( i < 10 ) ? '0'+i : i; s = ( s < 10 ) ? '0'+s : s; return format.replace( /\by{2}\b/i, date.getFullYear()%100 ) .replace( /y+/i, date.getFullYear() ) .replace( /m+/i, m ) .replace( /d+/i, d ) .replace( /h+/i, h ) .replace( /i+/i, i ) .replace( /s+/i, s ) .replace( /a+/i, a ); } return date; }; root.CF_DATETIME = lib; })(this);fbuilderjQuery = ( typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'datetime' ] = { 'prefix' : '', 'callback' : function() { fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'extend_window' ]( fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'datetime' ][ 'prefix' ], CF_DATETIME ); }, 'validator' : function( v ) { if( /^\s*((\d{4}[\/\-\.]\d{1,2}[\/\-\.]\d{1,2})|(\d{1,2}[\/\-\.]\d{1,2}[\/\-\.]\d{4}))?\s*(\d{1,2}\s*:\s*\d{1,2}(\s*:\s*\d{1,2})?(\s*[ap]m)?)?\s*$/i.test( v ) ) { return true; } return false; } };/* * managing_fields.js v0.1 * By: CALCULATED FIELD PROGRAMMERS * The script allows managing fields * Copyright 2015 CODEPEOPLE * You may use this project under MIT or GPL licenses. */ ;(function(root){ var lib = {}; lib.cf_processing_version = '0.1'; /*** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ***/ function _getForm(_form) { if(typeof _form == 'undefined'){ if('currentFormId' in fbuilderjQuery.fbuilder) _form = fbuilderjQuery.fbuilder.currentFormId; else return '_1'; } if(/^_\d*$/.test(_form)) return _form; if(/^\d*$/.test(_form)) return '_'+_form; return $((typeof _form == 'object') ? _form : '#'+_form).find('[name="cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform_psequence"]').val(); } function _getField( _field, _form ) { return $.fbuilder['forms'][_getForm(_form)].getItem(_field); } /*** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***/ lib.getField = function(_field, _form) { return _getField(_field, _form); }; lib.activatefield = lib.ACTIVATEFIELD = function( _field, _form ) { var o = _getForm(_form), f = _getField(_field, _form), j; if(f) { j = f.jQueryRef(); if(j.find('[id*="'+f.name+'"]').hasClass('ignore')) { j.add(j.find('.fields')).show(); if(f.name in $.fbuilder.forms[o].toHide) delete $.fbuilder.forms[o].toHide[f.name]; if(!(f.name in $.fbuilder.forms[o].toShow)) $.fbuilder.forms[o].toShow[f.name] = {'ref': {}}; j.find('[id*="'+f.name+'"]').removeClass('ignore').change(); $.fbuilder.showHideDep({'formIdentifier':o,'fieldIdentifier':f.name}); } } }; lib.ignorefield = lib.IGNOREFIELD = function( _field, _form ) { var o = _getForm(_form), f = _getField(_field, _form), j; if(f) { j = f.jQueryRef(); if(!j.find('[id*="'+f.name+'"]').hasClass('ignore')) { j.add(j.find('.fields')).hide(); if(!(f.name in $.fbuilder.forms[o].toHide)) $.fbuilder.forms[o].toHide[f.name] = {}; if(f.name in $.fbuilder.forms[o].toShow) delete $.fbuilder.forms[o].toShow[f.name]; j.find('[id*="'+f.name+'"]').addClass('ignore').change(); $.fbuilder.showHideDep({'formIdentifier':o,'fieldIdentifier':f.name}); } } }; lib.disableequations = lib.DISABLEEQUATIONS = function(f) { jQuery(f || '[id*="cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform_"]').attr('data-evalequations',0); }; lib.enableequations = lib.ENABLEEQUATIONS = function(f) { jQuery(f || '[id*="cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform_"]').attr('data-evalequations',1); }; lib.EVALEQUATIONS = lib.evalequations = function(f) { fbuilderjQuery.fbuilder.calculator.defaultCalc(f); }; lib.EVALEQUATION = lib.evalequation = function(f,e) { var c = fbuilderjQuery.fbuilder.calculator, eq, fi, i; if(typeof e == 'undefined') c.defaultCalc(f); else { if(Number.isInteger(e)) e = 'fieldname'+e; if('equations' in f) { for(i in f.equations) { eq = f.equations[i]; fi = eq.identifier; if(eq.result == e+fi){ c.enqueueEquation(fi, [eq]); c.processQueue(fi); return; } } } } }; lib.COPYFIELDVALUE = lib.copyfieldvalue = function(_field, _form) { var o = _getForm(_form), f = _getField(_field, _form), j; if(f) { j = f.jQueryRef().find(':input:eq(0)'); if(j.length) { try { j.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); } catch(err){} } } }; lib.gotopage = lib.GOTOPAGE = lib.goToPage = function(p, f) { try { var o = $('#'+$.fbuilder['forms'][_getForm(f)].formId), c; if(o.length) { c = o.find('.pbreak:visible').attr('page'); $.fbuilder.goToPage({'form':o,'from':c,'to':p}); } } catch(err) { if(typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(err); } }; root.CF_FIELDS_MANAGEMENT = lib; })(this);fbuilderjQuery = ( typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'processing' ] = { 'prefix' : '', 'callback' : function() { fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'extend_window' ]( fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'processing' ][ 'prefix' ], CF_FIELDS_MANAGEMENT ); } };/* * connector.js v0.1 * By: CALCULATED FIELD PROGRAMMERS * Allows connecting with third party modules in the equations * Copyright 2019 CODEPEOPLE */ ;(function(root){ var lib = { records: {} }; /*** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ***/ /*** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***/ lib.cff_connector_version = '0.1'; // cffProxy( function ) The function should accept a callback lib.cffProxy = lib.cffproxy = lib.CFFPROXY = function(){ if(typeof fbuilderjQuery == 'undefined' || !arguments.length || typeof arguments[0] != 'function') return; var $ = fbuilderjQuery, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); index = args.toString(); if(typeof lib.records[index] != 'undefined') return lib.records[index]; var form_id = (typeof $.fbuilder['currentFormId'] != 'undefined') ? $.fbuilder['currentFormId'] : 'cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform_1', aux = (function(eq, index){ return function(value){ lib.records[index] = value; $.fbuilder.calculator.enqueueEquation(eq.identifier, [eq]); $.fbuilder.calculator.removePending(eq.identifier); if( !(eq.identifier in $.fbuilder.calculator.processing_queue) || !$.fbuilder.calculator.processing_queue[eq.identifier] ) { $.fbuilder.calculator.processQueue(eq.identifier); } }; })($.fbuilder['currentEq'], index), f = args[0]; args.shift(); args.push(aux); $.fbuilder.calculator.addPending($.fbuilder['currentEq']['identifier']); setTimeout(function(){f.apply(null, args);},5); }; root.CF_CONNECTOR = lib; })(this);fbuilderjQuery = ( typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'connector' ] = { 'prefix' : '', 'callback' : function() { fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'extend_window' ]( fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'connector' ][ 'prefix' ], CF_CONNECTOR ); } };/* * url.js v0.1 * By: CALCULATED FIELD PROGRAMMERS * Includes operations to interact with the URLs and parameters * Copyright 2020 CODEPEOPLE */ ;(function(root){ var lib = { records: {} }; /*** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ***/ /*** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***/ lib.cff_url_version = '0.1'; // getReferrer() lib.getReferrer = lib.getreferrer = lib.GETREFERRER = function(){ return document.referrer || null; }; // generateURL() lib.generateURL = lib.generateurl = lib.GENERATEURL = function(url, params, hash){ var urlComponents = url.split('#'), queryString = '', connector = ''; if(typeof params == 'object' && params) { connector = (url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&'; queryString = jQuery.param(params); } if(typeof hash == 'string') urlComponents[1] = hash; urlComponents[0] += connector+queryString; return urlComponents.join('#'); }; // redirectToURL() lib.redirectToURL = lib.redirecttourl = lib.REDIRECTTOURL = function(url, obj){ document.location.href = url+( obj ? (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&')+$.param(obj) : ''); }; // getURL() lib.getURL = lib.geturl = lib.GETURL = function(){ return document.location.href; }; // getURLProtocol() lib.getURLProtocol = lib.geturlprotocol = lib.GETURLPROTOCOL = function(){ return document.location.protocol.toLowerCase(); }; // getBaseURL() lib.getBaseURL = lib.getbaseurl = lib.GETBASEURL = function(){ return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/'; }; // getURLHash() lib.getURLHash = lib.geturlhash = lib.GETURLHASH = function(nohash){ return window.location.hash.replace((nohash) ? /^#/ : '', ''); }; // getURLPath() lib.getURLPath = lib.geturlpath = lib.GETURLPATH = function(noslash){ return window.location.pathname.replace((noslash) ? new RegExp('^\/', 'g') : '', '').replace((noslash) ? new RegExp('\/$','g') : '', ''); }; // getURLParameters(url) the url is optional lib.getURLParameters = lib.geturlparameters = lib.GETURLPARAMETERS = function(url){ var qs = url ? url.split('?')[1] : window.location.search.slice(1), obj = {}; if(qs) { qs = qs.split('#')[0]; var arr = qs.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var a = arr[i].split('='), paramName = a[0], paramValue = typeof (a[1]) === 'undefined' ? true : a[1]; paramName = paramName.toLowerCase(); if (typeof paramName === 'string') paramName = decodeURIComponent(paramName); if (typeof paramValue === 'string') paramValue = decodeURIComponent(paramValue); if (paramName.match(/\[(\d+)?\]$/)) { var key = paramName.replace(/\[(\d+)?\]/, ''); if (!obj[key]) obj[key] = []; if (paramName.match(/\[\d+\]$/)) { var index = /\[(\d+)\]/.exec(paramName)[1]; obj[key][index] = paramValue; } else { obj[key].push(paramValue); } } else { if (!obj[paramName]) { obj[paramName] = paramValue; } else if (obj[paramName] && typeof obj[paramName] === 'string') { obj[paramName] = [obj[paramName]]; obj[paramName].push(paramValue); } else { obj[paramName].push(paramValue); } } } } return obj; }; // getURLParameter(paramName, defaultValue) defaultValue is optional lib.getURLParameter = lib.geturlparameter = lib.GETURLPARAMETER = function(paramName, defaultValue){ var parameters = lib.getURLParameters(); paramName = paramName.toLowerCase(); if(paramName in parameters) return parameters[paramName]; else if(typeof defaultValue != 'undefined') return defaultValue; else return null; } root.CF_URL = lib; })(this);fbuilderjQuery = ( typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] = fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ] || {}; fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'url' ] = { 'prefix' : '', 'callback' : function() { fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'extend_window' ](fbuilderjQuery[ 'fbuilder' ][ 'modules' ][ 'url' ][ 'prefix' ], CF_URL); } }; $.fbuilder['version'] = '1.1.58'; $.fbuilder['controls'] = $.fbuilder['controls'] || {}; $.fbuilder['forms'] = $.fbuilder['forms'] || {}; $.fbuilder['htmlEncode'] = function(value) { return $('
').text(value).html() .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/&lt;/g, '<') .replace(/&gt;/g, '>'); }; $.fbuilder['htmlDecode'] = function(value) { return (/&(?:#x[a-f0-9]+|#[0-9]+|[a-z0-9]+);?/ig.test(value)) ? $('
').html(value).text() : value; }; $.fbuilder['escapeSymbol'] = function( value ) // Escape the symbols used in regulars expressions { return value.replace(/([\^\$\-\.\,\[\]\(\)\/\\\*\?\+\!\{\}])/g, "\\$1"); }; $.fbuilder[ 'parseValStr' ] = function( value, raw ) { raw = raw || false; value = $.trim(value || ''); value = value.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/"/g, '\\"'); return ($.isNumeric(value)) ? ((raw) ? value : value*1) : '"' + value + '"'; }; $.fbuilder[ 'parseVal' ] = function( value, thousand, decimal ) { if(!!value == false) return 0; /* date */ if(/(\d{1,2}[\/\.\-]\d{1,2}[\/\.\-]\d{4})|(\d{4}[\/\.\-]\d{1,2}[\/\.\-]\d{1,2})/.test(value)) return $.fbuilder[ 'parseValStr' ]( value ); /* number */ thousand = $.fbuilder.escapeSymbol($.trim((typeof thousand != 'undefined') ? thousand : ',')); decimal = $.trim((!!!decimal || /^\s*$/.test(decimal)) ? '.': decimal); var t = (new String(value)).replace(new RegExp((/^\s*$/.test(thousand) ? '\,' : thousand)+'\(\\d{1,2}\)$' ), decimal+'$1') .replace( new RegExp(thousand, 'g'), '' ) .replace( new RegExp($.fbuilder.escapeSymbol(decimal), 'g' ), '.' ) .replace( /\s/g, '' ), p = /[+\-]?((\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+))(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/.exec( t ); return (p) ? ((/^0\d/.test(p[0])) ? p[0].substr(1) : p[0])*1 : $.fbuilder['parseValStr'](value); }; $.fbuilder[ 'isMobile' ] = function() { try{ document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); return true; } catch(e){ return false; } }; $.fbuilder[ 'setBrowserHistory' ] = function(r) { if('history' in window) { var b = '#', s = ''; for(var id in $.fbuilder.forms) { b += s+'f'+id.replace(/[^\d]/g,'')+'p'+($.fbuilder.forms[id]['currentPage'] || 0); s = '|'; } history[(r) ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, document.title, b); } }; $.fbuilder[ 'manageHistory' ] = function(onload) { var b = (document.URL.split('#')[1] || null), m, f, t, flag = false; if(b) { while(m = b.match(/f(\d+)p(\d+)\|?/)) { f = '_'+m[1]; t = onload ? 0 : m[2]*1; b = b.replace(m[0],''); flag = ( !(f in $.fbuilder.forms) || t != $.fbuilder['goToPage']( { 'formIdentifier' : f, 'from' : 0, 'to' : t } ) ); } } else { for(f in $.fbuilder.forms) if('currentPage' in $.fbuilder.forms[f]) $.fbuilder['goToPage']({'formIdentifier' : f, 'from' : 0, 'to' : 0}); } if(flag) $.fbuilder.setBrowserHistory(true); }; $.fbuilder[ 'goToPage' ] = function( config ) { if( ('formIdentifier' in config || 'form' in config) && 'to' in config ) { var id = (config['form']) ? $('[name="cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform_psequence"]', config['form']).val() : config['formIdentifier'], formObj = $.fbuilder.forms[id], _from = (config['from'] || formObj['currentPage'] || 0)*1, _to = config['to']*1, direction = (_from < _to) ? 1 : -1, formDom = $(config['form'] || '[id="'+formObj.formId+'"]'), pageDom, i = _from; while(i != _to) { if(direction == 1 && !formDom.valid()) break; i += direction; } formObj['currentPage'] = i; $(".pbreak:not(.pb"+i+")",formDom).hide().find(".field").addClass("ignorepb"); (pageDom = $(".pbreak.pb"+i,formDom)).show().find(".ignorepb").removeClass("ignorepb"); if(i != _from) { try { if(!this.isMobile()) { var ff = pageDom.find(":focusable:first"); if( ff && !ff.hasClass('hasDatepicker') && ff.attr('type') != 'radio' && ff.attr('type') != 'checkbox' && ff.closest('[uh]').length == 0 /* FIXES AUTO-OPEN TOOLTIPS */ ) ff.focus(); } var _wScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), _viewportHeight = $(window).height(), _scrollTop = formDom.offset().top; if(_scrollTop < _wScrollTop || (_wScrollTop+_viewportHeight)<_scrollTop ) $( 'html, body' ).animate({scrollTop: _scrollTop}, 50); } catch(e){} } else { formDom.validate().focusInvalid(); } $(document).trigger('cff-gotopage', {'from': _from, 'to': i, 'form': formDom}); return i; } }; // End goToPage $.fbuilder[ 'showHideDep' ] = function( config ) { // If isNotFirstTime the enqueue the equations associated to the fields var processItems = function( items, isNotFirstTime ) { for( var i = 0, h = items.length; i < h; i++ ) { if(typeof items[i] == 'string') items[i] = $.fbuilder['forms'][id].getItem(items[i]); if(items[i]) { if(isNotFirstTime) { $('[name="'+items[i].name+'"]').trigger('depEvent'); if(items[i].usedInEquations) $.fbuilder['calculator'].enqueueEquation(id, items[i].usedInEquations); } if('showHideDep' in items[i]) { var list = items[i]['showHideDep']( toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer ); if(list && list.length) processItems( list, true ); } } } }; if('formIdentifier' in config) { var id = config['formIdentifier']; if(id in $.fbuilder['forms']) { var toShow = $.fbuilder['forms'][id]['toShow'], toHide = $.fbuilder['forms'][id]['toHide'], hiddenByContainer = $.fbuilder['forms'][id]['hiddenByContainer'], items = ('fieldIdentifier' in config) ? [$.fbuilder['forms'][id].getItem(config['fieldIdentifier'].replace(/_[cr]b\d+$/i, ''))] : $.fbuilder['forms'][id].getItems(); processItems(items); $(document).trigger('showHideDepEvent', $.fbuilder['forms'][id]['formId']); } } }; // Load default values $.fbuilder[ 'cpcffLoadDefaults' ] = function( o ) { if( typeof cpcff_default != 'undefined' ) { var $ = fbuilderjQuery, id = o.identifier.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''), item, data, formObj, f; if(id in cpcff_default) { data = cpcff_default[id]; id = '_'+id; formObj = $.fbuilder['forms'][id]; f = $('#'+formObj['formId']); f.attr('data-evalequations',0); for( var fieldId in data ) { item = formObj.getItem(fieldId+id); try{ if('setVal' in item) item.setVal(data[fieldId], true); $('[name*="'+item.name+'"]').trigger('trigger_ds'); } catch(err){} } f.attr('data-evalequations',o.evalequations); $.fbuilder.showHideDep({'formIdentifier' : o.identifier}); } } }; $.fn.fbuilder = function(options){ var opt = $.extend({}, { pub:false, identifier:"", title:"" },options, true); opt.messages = $.extend( { previous: "Previous", next: "Next", pageof: "Page {0} of {0}", required: "This field is required.", email: "Please enter a valid email address.", datemmddyyyy: "Please enter a valid date with this format(mm/dd/yyyy)", dateddmmyyyy: "Please enter a valid date with this format(dd/mm/yyyy)", number: "Please enter a valid number.", digits: "Please enter only digits.", maxlength: "Please enter no more than {0} characters.", minlength: "Please enter at least {0} characters.", equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.", max: "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}.", min: "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.", currency: "Please enter a valid currency value." }, (opt.messages || {}) ); opt.messages.max = $.validator.format(opt.messages.max); opt.messages.min = $.validator.format(opt.messages.min); opt.messages.maxlength = $.validator.format(opt.messages.maxlength); opt.messages.minlength = $.validator.format(opt.messages.minlength); $.extend($.validator.messages, opt.messages); $("#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform"+opt.identifier).validate({ ignore:".ignore,.ignorepb", errorElement: "div", errorPlacement: function(e, element) { var _parent = element.closest( '.dfield' ), _uh = _parent.find( 'span.uh:visible' ); e.addClass( 'message' ).css( 'position', 'absolute' ).appendTo( (_uh.length) ? _uh : _parent ); } }).messages = opt.messages; var items = [], fieldsIndex = {}, reloadItemsPublic = function() { var form_tag = $("#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform"+opt.identifier), header_tag = $("#formheader"+opt.identifier), fieldlist_tag = $("#fieldlist"+opt.identifier), page_tag, i = 0, page = 0, getCaptchaHTML = function(){ var captcha_tag = $( "#cpcaptchalayer"+opt.identifier+':not(:empty)') html = ''; if( captcha_tag.length ) { html += '
'; captcha_tag.remove(); } return html; }, getSubmitHTML = function(){ var submit_tag = $("#cp_subbtn"+opt.identifier+':not(:empty)'), html = ''; if( submit_tag.length ) { html += '
'; submit_tag.remove(); } return html; }; form_tag.addClass( theForm.formtemplate ); if( !opt.cached ) { page_tag = $('
'); header_tag.html(theForm.show()); fieldlist_tag.addClass(theForm.formlayout).append(page_tag); for(i; i
'); fieldlist_tag.append(page_tag); } else { page_tag.append(items[i].show()); if (items[i].predefinedClick) { page_tag.find("#"+items[i].name).attr({placeholder: items[i].predefined, value: ""}); } if(items[i].exclude) { page_tag.find('.'+items[i].name).addClass('cff-exclude'); } if (items[i].userhelpTooltip) { var uh = items[i].jQueryRef(); if(items[i].userhelp && items[i].userhelp.length) { if(items[i].tooltipIcon) $('').attr('uh', items[i].userhelp).appendTo($(uh.children('label')[0] || uh)); else{ var target = uh.find('input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="text"],input[type="number"],input[type="email"],input[type="file"],input[type="color"],input[type="date"],input[type="password"],input[type="email"],select,textarea'); if(!target.length) target = uh.find('.slider'); if(!target.length) target = uh.find('.dfield label'); if(!target.length) target = uh.find('.dfield'); if(!target.length) target = uh; $(target).attr('uh', items[i].userhelp); } } uh.find(".uh").remove(); } } } } else { page = fieldlist_tag.find( '.pbreak' ).length; i = items.length; } if (page>0) { if( !opt.cached ) // Check if the form is cached { $(".pb"+page, fieldlist_tag).addClass("pbEnd"); $(".pbreak", fieldlist_tag).each(function(index) { var code = $(this).html(), bSubmit = ''; if (index == page) { code += getCaptchaHTML(); bSubmit = getSubmitHTML(); } $(this).html('
'+opt.messages.pageof.replace( /\{\s*\d+\s*\}/, (index+1) ).replace( /\{\s*\d+\s*\}/, (page+1) )+''+code+'
'); }); } fieldlist_tag.find(".pbPrevious,.pbNext").bind("keyup", function(evt){ if(evt.which == 13 || evt.which == 32) $(this).click(); }).bind("click", {'identifier' : opt.identifier}, function(evt){ var _from = ($.fbuilder.forms[evt.data.identifier]['currentPage'] || 0), _inc = ($(this).hasClass("pbPrevious")) ? -1 : 1, _p = $.fbuilder['goToPage']( { 'formIdentifier' : evt.data.identifier, 'from' : _from, 'to' : _from+_inc }), _pDom = $('.pb'+_p); if(_from != _p) $.fbuilder.setBrowserHistory(); if(_pDom.find('.fields:visible').length == 0) if(_inc == -1 && 0 < _p) _pDom.find('.pbPrevious').click(); else if(!_pDom.hasClass('pbEnd')) _pDom.find('.pbNext').click(); return false; }); } else { if( !opt.cached ) $(".pb"+page, fieldlist_tag).append(getCaptchaHTML()+getSubmitHTML()); } if( !opt.cached && opt.setCache) { // Set Cache var url = document.location.href, data = { 'cffaction' : 'cff_cache', 'cache' : form_tag.html().replace( /\n+/g, '' ), 'form' : form_tag.find( '[name="cp_calculatedfieldsf_id"]').val() }; $.post( url, data, function( data ){ if(typeof console != 'undefined' )console.log( data ); } ); } // Set icon event jQuery(document).on('click', '.cff-help-icon', function(evt){evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault();}); // Set Captcha Event $( document ).on( 'click', '#fbuilder .captcha img', function(){ var e = $( this ); e.attr( 'src', e.attr( 'src' ).replace( /&\d+$/, '' ) + '&' + Math.floor( Math.random()*1000 ) ); } ); $( form_tag ).find( '.captcha img' ).click(); $( '#fieldlist'+opt.identifier).find(".pbSubmit").bind("keyup", function(evt){ if(evt.which == 13 || evt.which == 32) $(this).click(); }).bind("click", { 'identifier' : opt.identifier }, function(evt){ $(this).closest("form").submit(); }); if (i>0) { theForm.after_show( opt.identifier ); for (var i=0;i


'; }, after_show:function( id ){ // Common validators if( typeof $[ 'validator' ] != 'undefined' ) { if(!('cffcurrency' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod( 'cffcurrency', function(v, el) { var f = el.id.match( /_\d+$/), esc = $.fbuilder.escapeSymbol, r; e = $.fbuilder['forms'][f[0]].getItem( el.name ); r = new RegExp('^\\s*('+esc(e.currencySymbol)+')?\\s*\\-?\\d+('+esc(e.thousandSeparator)+'\\d{3})*'+((e.noCents) ? '': '('+e.centSeparator+'\\d+)?')+'\\s*('+esc(e.currencyText)+')?\\s*$','i'); return this.optional(el) || r.test(v) || ($.isNumeric(v) && (!e.noCents || v === FLOOR(v))); }, $.validator.messages['currency'] ); $.validator.methods.number = function(v, el) { var f = el.id.match(/_\d+$/), esc = $.fbuilder.escapeSymbol, e, r; if(f) e = $.fbuilder['forms'][f[0]].getItem(el.name); if(!e) e = {thousandSeparator: ',', decimalSymbol: '.'}; r = new RegExp('^\\s*\\-?\\d+('+esc(e.thousandSeparator)+'\\d{3})*('+esc(e.decimalSymbol)+'\\d+)?\\s*\\%?\\s*$','i'); return this.optional(el) || r.test(v) || $.isNumeric(v); }; $.validator.methods.min = function(v, el, p) { var f = el.id.match( /_\d+$/), e; if(f) e = $.fbuilder['forms'][f[0]].getItem(el.name); if(e){ v = e.val(); if('dformat' in e && e.dformat == 'percent') v*=100; } return this.optional(el) || v >= p; }; $.validator.methods.max = function(v, el, p) { var f = el.id.match( /_\d+$/), e; if(f) e = $.fbuilder['forms'][f[0]].getItem(el.name); if(e){ v = e.val(); if('dformat' in e && e.dformat == 'percent') v*=100; } return this.optional(el) || v <= p; }; } var form = $( '#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform'+id ); // Disabling enter key form.on('keydown keyup keypress', '[type="text"],[type="number"],[type="password"],[type="email"]', function(evt){ if (evt.keyCode === 13) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); if(typeof $.fn.fbuilder_localstorage != 'undefined' && form.hasClass('persist-form')) { form.fbuilder_localstorage(); } form.attr( 'data-evalequations', this.evalequations ) .attr( 'data-evalequationsevent', this.evalequationsevent ) .attr( 'autocomplete', ( ( this.autocomplete ) ? 'on' : 'off' ) ) .find( 'input,select' ) .blur( function(){ try{ $(this).valid(); }catch(e){};} ); if(!this.autocomplete) form.find('input[name*="fieldname"]:not([autocomplete])').attr('autocomplete', 'new-password'); } }); //var theForm = new fform(), var theForm, ffunct = { toShow : {}, toHide : {}, hiddenByContainer : {}, getItem: function( name ) { if(name in fieldsIndex) return items[fieldsIndex[name]]; var regExp = new RegExp((parseInt(name,10) == name) ? 'fieldname'+name+'_' : name+'_', i); for( var i in items ) { if( items[ i ].name == name || regExp.test(items[ i ].name)) { return items[ i ]; } } return false; }, getItems: function() { return items; }, loadData:function(f) { var d = window[ f ]; if ( typeof d != 'undefined' ) { if( typeof d == 'object' && ( typeof d.nodeType !== 'undefined' || d instanceof jQuery ) ){ d = jQuery.parseJSON( jQuery(d).val() ); } else if( typeof d == 'string' ){ d = jQuery.parseJSON( d ); } if (d.length == 2) { this.formId = d[ 1 ][ 'formid' ]; items = []; for (var i=0;i
'; }, after_show:function() { if( this.regExp != "" && typeof $[ 'validator' ] != 'undefined' ) { var parts = this.regExp.match(/(\/)(.*)(\/)([gimy]{0,4})$/i); this.regExp = ( parts === null ) ? new RegExp(this.regExp) : new RegExp(parts[2],parts[4].toLowerCase()); if(!('pattern' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod( 'pattern', function( value, element, param ) { try{ return this.optional(element) || param.test( value ); } catch(err){return true;} } ); $('#'+this.name).rules('add',{'pattern':this.regExp, messages:{'pattern':this.regExpMssg}}); } }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e.val(), raw ); return 0; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcurrency' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcurrency' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Currency", ftype:"fcurrency", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, readonly:false, numberpad:false, size:"small", currencySymbol:"$", currencyText:"USD", thousandSeparator:",", centSeparator:".", noCents: false, min:"", max:"", formatDynamically:false, twoDecimals:false, set_min:function(v, rmv) { var e = $('[id="'+this.name+'"]'); if(rmv) e.removeAttr('min'); else e.attr('min', v); e.valid(); }, set_max:function(v, rmv) { var e = $('[id="'+this.name+'"]'); if(rmv) e.removeAttr('max'); else e.attr('max', v); e.valid(); }, getFormattedValue:function( value ) { if(value == '') return value; var me = this, ts = me.thousandSeparator, cs = ((cs = $.trim(me.centSeparator)) !== '') ? cs : '.', v = $.fbuilder.parseVal(value, ts, cs), parts = [], counter = 0, str = '', sign = ''; if( !isNaN( v ) ) { if(v < 0) sign = '-'; v = ABS(v); if(this.twoDecimals) v = v.toFixed(2); parts = v.toString().split("."); for( var i = parts[0].length-1; i >= 0; i--) { counter++; str = parts[0][i] + str; if( counter%3 == 0 && i != 0 ) str = ts + str; } parts[0] = str; if(parts[1]) { if(parts[1].length == 1) parts[1] += '0'; } else parts[ 1 ] = '00'; return me.currencySymbol+sign+((me.noCents)?parts[0]:parts.join(cs))+me.currencyText; } else { return value; } }, init:function() { if(!/^\s*$/.test(this.min)) this._setHndl('min'); if(!/^\s*$/.test(this.max)) this._setHndl('max'); }, show:function() { this.predefined = this._getAttr('predefined'); return '
'; }, after_show:function() { var me = this; if( this.formatDynamically ) { $( document ).on( 'change', '[name="' + me.name + '"]', function(){ this.value = me.getFormattedValue( this.value ); } ); } }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) { var v = e.val(); if(raw) return ($.isNumeric(v)) ? v : $.fbuilder.parseValStr(v, raw); v = $.trim(v); v = v.replace( new RegExp( $.fbuilder[ 'escapeSymbol' ](this.currencySymbol), 'g' ), '' ) .replace( new RegExp( $.fbuilder[ 'escapeSymbol' ](this.currencyText), 'g' ), '' ); return $.fbuilder.parseVal( v, this.thousandSeparator, this.centSeparator ); } return 0; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fnumber' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fnumber' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Number", ftype:"fnumber", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, readonly:false, numberpad:false, size:"small", thousandSeparator:"", decimalSymbol:".", min:"", max:"", formatDynamically:false, dformat:"digits", set_step:function(v, rmv) { var e = $('[id="'+this.name+'"]'); if(rmv) e.removeAttr('step'); else { var vb = e.val(); e.removeAttr('value'); e.attr('step', v); e.val(vb); } e.valid(); }, set_min:function(v, rmv) { var e = $('[id="'+this.name+'"]'); if(rmv) e.removeAttr('min'); else e.attr('min', v); e.valid(); }, set_max:function(v, rmv) { var e = $('[id="'+this.name+'"]'); if(rmv) e.removeAttr('max'); else e.attr('max', v); e.valid(); }, getFormattedValue:function( value ) { if(value == '') return value; var ts = this.thousandSeparator, ds = ((ds=$.trim(this.decimalSymbol)) !== '') ? ds : '.', v = $.fbuilder.parseVal(value, ts, ds), s = '', counter = 0, str = '', parts = []; if(!isNaN(v)) { if(v < 0) s = '-'; v = ABS(v); parts = v.toString().split("."); for(var i = parts[0].length-1; i >= 0; i--){ counter++; str = parts[0][i] + str; if(counter%3 == 0 && i != 0) str = ts + str; } parts[0] = str; return s+parts.join(ds)+((this.dformat == 'percent') ? '%':''); } else { return value; } }, init:function() { if(!/^\s*$/.test(this.min)) this._setHndl('min'); if(!/^\s*$/.test(this.max)) this._setHndl('max'); }, show:function() { var _type = ( this.dformat == 'digits' || ( this.dformat != 'percent' && /^$/.test( this.thousandSeparator ) && /^\s*(\.\s*)?$/.test( this.decimalSymbol ) ) ) ? 'number' : 'text'; this.predefined = this._getAttr('predefined'); return '
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'; }; var str = ''; if(me.typeValues) str += '
'+ ((me.range) ? component('left')+component('right') : component('center'))+ '
'; return str; }; me.predefined = (/^\s*$/.test(me.predefined)) ? me.min : me._toNumber(me._getAttr('predefined')); return '
'+ ''+ '
'+ typeValuesComponents()+ ''+ '
'+ '
'+ ''+me.minCaption+''+ ''+me.maxCaption+''+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ''+me.userhelp+''+ '
'+ '
'+ '
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'; }, after_show:function() { }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e.val(), raw ); return 0; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'femail' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'femail' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Email", ftype:"femail", autocomplete:"off", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, readonly:false, size:"medium", equalTo:"", regExp:"", regExpMssg:"", show:function() { this.predefined = this._getAttr('predefined'); return '
'; }, after_show:function() { if( this.regExp != "" && typeof $[ 'validator' ] != 'undefined' ) { var parts = this.regExp.match(/(\/)(.*)(\/)([gimy]{0,4})$/i); this.regExp = ( parts === null ) ? new RegExp(this.regExp) : new RegExp(parts[2],parts[4].toLowerCase()); if(!('pattern' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod( 'pattern', function( value, element, param ) { try{ return this.optional(element) || param.test( value ); } catch(err){return true;} } ); $('#'+this.name).rules('add',{'pattern':this.regExp, messages:{'pattern':this.regExpMssg}}); } }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e.val() , raw); return 0; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdate' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdate' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Date", ftype:"fdate", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, size:"medium", required:false, readonly:false, // Date component showDatepicker: true, dformat:"mm/dd/yyyy", dseparator:"/", showDropdown:false, dropdownRange:"-10:+10", invalidDates:"", working_dates:[true,true,true,true,true,true,true], minDate:"", maxDate:"", defaultDate:"", // Time component showTimepicker: false, tformat:"24", minHour:0, maxHour:23, minMinute:0, maxMinute:59, stepHour: 1, stepMinute: 1, defaultTime:"", // Labels ariaHourLabel: 'hours', ariaMinuteLabel: 'minutes', ariaAMPMLabel: 'am or pm', _get_regexp : function() { var me = this, df = me.dformat.replace(new RegExp('\\'+me.dseparator, 'g'), '/'), rt; if(/^y/i.test(df)) rt = '(\\d{4})[^\\d](\\d{1,2})[^\\d](\\d{1,2})'; else rt = '(\\d{1,2})[\\/\\-\\.](\\d{1,2})[\\/\\-\\.](\\d{4})'; return {d:df, r:rt}; }, _set_Events : function() { var me = this, f = function(){ $( '#'+me.name+'_date' ).valid(); me.set_dateTime(); }; $( document ).on( 'change', '#'+me.name+'_date', function(){ f(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#'+me.name+'_hours', function(){ f(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#'+me.name+'_minutes', function(){ f(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#'+me.name+'_ampm', function(){ f(); } ); $( '#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform'+me.form_identifier ).bind( 'reset', function(){ setTimeout( function(){ me.set_DefaultDate(true); me.set_DefaultTime(); me.set_dateTime(); }, 500 ); } ); }, _validateDate: function(d) { try{ var e = this, w = e.working_dates, i = e.invalidDates, n = $('#'+e.name+'_date'); d = d || n.datepicker('getDate'); if( d === null || !w[ d.getDay()] ) return false; if( i !== null ) { for( var j = 0, h = i.length; j < h; j++ ) { if( d.getDate() == i[ j ].getDate() && d.getMonth() == i[ j ].getMonth() && d.getFullYear() == i[ j ].getFullYear() ) return false; } } var _d = $.datepicker, _i = _d._getInst(n[0]), _mi = _d._determineDate(_i, _d._get(_i, 'minDate'), null), _ma = _d._determineDate(_i, _d._get(_i, 'maxDate'), null); if((_mi != null && d < _mi) || (_ma != null && _ma < d)) return false; } catch( _err ){return false;} return true; }, _validateTime : function() { var i = this; if( i.showTimepicker ) { var n = i.name, h = $('#'+n+'_hours').val(), m = $('#'+n+'_minutes').val(); if( i.tformat == 12 ) { var x = $('#'+n+'_ampm').val() if( x == 'pm' && h != 12 ) h = h*1 + 12; if( x == 'am' && h == 12 ) h = 0; } if( h < i.minHour || i.maxHour < h || (h == i.minHour && m < i.minMinute) || (h == i.maxHour && i.maxMinute < m) ) return false; } return true; }, init:function() { var me = this, _checkValue = function( v, min, max ) { v = parseInt( v ); v = ( isNaN( v ) ) ? max : v; return Math.min(Math.max(v,min),max); }; // Date me.dformat = me.dformat.replace(/\//g, me.dseparator); me.invalidDates = me.invalidDates.replace( /\s+/g, '' ); if( me.dropdownRange.indexOf( ':' ) == -1 ) me.dropdownRange = '-10:+10'; if( !/^\s*$/.test( me.invalidDates ) ) { var dateRegExp = new RegExp( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/ ), counter = 0, dates = me.invalidDates.split( ',' ); me.invalidDates = []; for( var i = 0, h = dates.length; i < h; i++ ) { var range = dates[ i ].split( '-' ); if( range.length == 2 && range[0].match( dateRegExp ) != null && range[1].match( dateRegExp ) != null ) { var fromD = new Date( range[ 0 ] ), toD = new Date( range[ 1 ] ); while( fromD <= toD ) { me.invalidDates[ counter ] = fromD; var tmp = new Date( fromD.valueOf() ); tmp.setDate( tmp.getDate() + 1 ); fromD = tmp; counter++; } } else { for( var j = 0, k = range.length; j < k; j++ ) { if( range[ j ].match( dateRegExp ) != null ) { me.invalidDates[ counter ] = new Date( range[ j ] ); counter++; } } } } } // Time me.minHour = _checkValue( me.minHour, 0, 23 ); me.maxHour = _checkValue( me.maxHour, 0, 23 ); me.minMinute = _checkValue( me.minMinute, 0, 59 ); me.maxMinute = _checkValue( me.maxMinute, 0, 59 ); me.stepHour = _checkValue( me.stepHour, 1, Math.max( 1, (me.maxHour - me.minHour )+1 ) ); me.stepMinute = _checkValue( me.stepMinute, 1, Math.max( 1, (me.maxMinute - me.minMinute)+1 ) ); // Set handles me._setHndl('minDate'); me._setHndl('maxDate'); }, get_hours:function() { var me = this, str = '', i = 0, h, from = ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? 1 : me.minHour, to = ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? 12 : me.maxHour; while( ( h = from + me.stepHour * i ) <= to ) { if( h < 10 ) h = '0'+''+h; str += ''; i++; } return ':'; }, get_minutes:function() { var me = this, str = '', i = 0, m, n = (me.minHour == me.maxHour)?me.minMinute : 0, x = (me.minHour == me.maxHour)?me.maxMinute : 59; while( ( m = n + me.stepMinute * i ) <= x ) { if( m < 10 ) m = '0'+''+m; str += ''; i++; } return ''; }, get_ampm:function() { var str = ''; if( this.tformat == 12 ) { return ''; } return str; }, set_dateTime:function(nochange) { var me = this, str = $( '#'+me.name+'_date' ).val(), e = $( '#'+me.name ); if( me.showTimepicker ) { str += ' '+$( '#'+me.name+'_hours' ).val(); str += ':'+$( '#'+me.name+'_minutes' ).val(); if( $( '#'+me.name+'_ampm' ).length ) str += $( '#'+me.name+'_ampm' ).val(); } e.val(str); if(!nochange) e.change(); }, set_minDate:function(v, ignore) { var e = $('[id*="'+this.name+'"].hasDatepicker'); if(e.length) { e.datepicker('option', 'minDate', (ignore) ? null : v); e.change(); } }, set_maxDate:function(v, ignore) { var e = $('[id*="'+this.name+'"].hasDatepicker'); if(e.length) { e.datepicker('option', 'maxDate', (ignore) ? null : v); e.change(); } }, set_DefaultDate : function(init) { var me = this, p = { dateFormat: me.dformat.replace(/yyyy/g,"yy"), minDate: me._getAttr('minDate'), maxDate: me._getAttr('maxDate'), disabled: me.readonly }, dp = $( "#"+me.name+"_date" ), dd = (me.defaultDate != "") ? me.defaultDate : ( ( me.predefined != "" ) ? me.predefined : new Date() ); dp.click( function(){ $(document).click(); $(this).focus(); } ); if(me.showDropdown ) p = $.extend(p,{changeMonth: true,changeYear: true,yearRange: me.dropdownRange}); p = $.extend(p, {beforeShowDay:function(d){return [me._validateDate(d), ""];}}); if(me.defaultDate != "") p.defaultDate = me.defaultDate; dp.datepicker(p); if(!me.predefinedClick || !!init == false)dp.datepicker( "setDate", dd); if(!me._validateDate()) dp.datepicker( "setDate", ''); }, set_DefaultTime : function() { var me = this, _setValue = function( f, v, m ) { v = Math.min( v*1, m*1 ); v = ( v < 10 ) ? 0+''+v : v; $( '#' + f + ' [value="' + v + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); }; if( me.showTimepicker ) { var parts, time = {}, tmp = 0, max_minutes = 59; if( ( parts = /(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*([ap]m)?/gi.exec( me.defaultTime ) ) != null ) { time[ 'hour' ] = parts[ 1 ]*1+((parts.length == 4 && /pm/i.test(parts[3]) && parts[1] != 12) ? 12 : 0); time[ 'minute' ] = parts[ 2 ]; } else { var d = new Date(); time[ 'hour' ] = d.getHours(); time[ 'minute' ] = d.getMinutes(); } time[ 'hour' ] = Math.min(Math.max(time[ 'hour' ], me.minHour), me.maxHour); if(time[ 'hour' ] <= me.minHour) time[ 'minute' ] = Math.max(time['minute'],me.minMinute); if(me.maxHour <= time[ 'hour' ]) time[ 'minute' ] = Math.min(time['minute'],me.maxMinute); _setValue( me.name+'_hours', ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? ( ( time[ 'hour' ] > 12 ) ? time[ 'hour' ] - 12 : ( ( time[ 'hour' ] == 0 ) ? 12 : time[ 'hour' ] ) ) : time[ 'hour' ], ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? 12 : me.maxHour ); _setValue( me.name+'_minutes', time[ 'minute' ], (time[ 'hour' ] == me.maxHour) ? me.maxMinute : 59); $( '#'+me.name+'_ampm'+' [value="' + ( ( time[ 'hour' ] < 12 ) ? 'am' : 'pm' ) + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); } }, show:function() { var me = this, n = me.name, attr = 'value', format_label = [], date_tag_type = 'text', disabled = '', date_tag_class = 'field date'+me.dformat.replace(/[^a-z]/ig,"")+' '+me.size+((me.required && me.showDatepicker)?' required': ''); if( me.predefinedClick ) attr = 'placeholder'; if( me.showDatepicker ) format_label.push(me.dformat); else{ date_tag_type = 'hidden'; disabled='disabled';} if( me.showTimepicker ) format_label.push('HH:mm'); this.predefined = this._getAttr('predefined'); return '
'+( ( me.showTimepicker ) ? ' '+me.get_hours()+me.get_minutes()+' '+me.get_ampm() : '' )+''+me.userhelp+'
'; }, after_show:function() { var me = this, date_format = 'date'+me.dformat.replace(/[^a-z]/ig,""), validator = function( v, e ) { try { var p = e.name.replace('_date', '').split('_'), i = $.fbuilder.forms['_'+p[1]].getItem(p[0]), o = me._get_regexp(); if(i != null) return this.optional(e) || (i._validateDate() && (new RegExp(o.r)).test(v) && i._validateTime()); return true; } catch( er ) { return false; } }; if(!(date_format in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod(date_format, validator ); me.set_DefaultDate(true); me.set_DefaultTime(); me._set_Events(); me.set_dateTime(); }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var me = this, e = $( '[id="' + me.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ), o = me._get_regexp(); if( e.length ) { var v = e.val(); if(raw) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr(v, raw); v = $.trim(e.val()); var re = new RegExp( '('+o.r+')?(\\s*(\\d{1,2})[:\\.](\\d{1,2})\\s*([amp]{2})?)?' ), d = re.exec( v ), h = 0, m = 0, date; if( d ) { if( typeof d[ 6 ] != 'undefined' ) h = d[ 6 ]*1; if( typeof d[ 7 ] != 'undefined' ) m = d[ 7 ]*1; if( typeof d[ 8 ] != 'undefined' ) { var am = d[ 8 ].toLowerCase(); if(am == 'pm' && h < 12 ) h += 12; if(am == 'am' && h == 12) h -= 12; } switch( o.d ) { case 'yyyy/dd/mm': date = new Date( d[ 2 ], ( d[ 4 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 3 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; case 'yyyy/mm/dd': date = new Date( d[ 2 ], ( d[ 3 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 4 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; case 'dd/mm/yyyy': date = new Date( d[ 4 ], ( d[ 3 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 2 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; case 'mm/dd/yyyy': date = new Date( d[ 4 ], ( d[ 2 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 3 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; } if(isFinite(date)) { if( me.showTimepicker ) return date.valueOf() / 86400000; else return Math.ceil( date.valueOf() / 86400000 ); } else if(!me.showDatepicker && me.showTimepicker) return (h*3600000+m*60000)/86400000; } } return 0; }, setVal:function( v, nochange ) { try { v = $.trim(v) .replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ) .split( ' ' ); if(this.showDatepicker) { this.defaultDate = v[ 0 ]; this.set_DefaultDate(); } if(this.showTimepicker) { var t = (v.length == 2) ? v[1] : ((!this.showDatepicker) ? v[0] : false); if(t !== false) { this.defaultTime = t; this.set_DefaultTime(); } } this.set_dateTime(nochange); } catch( err ) {} } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ftextarea", autocomplete:"off", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, readonly:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", rows:4, show:function() { this.minlength = $.fbuilder.htmlEncode($.trim(this.minlength)); this.maxlength = $.fbuilder.htmlEncode($.trim(this.maxlength)); this.predefined = this._getAttr('predefined'); return '
'; }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr(e.val().replace(/[\n\r]+/g, ' '), raw); return 0; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Check All That Apply", ftype:"fcheck", layout:"one_column", required:false, readonly:false, merge:1, onoff:0, max:-1, maxError:"Check no more than {0} boxes", toSubmit:"text", showDep:false, show:function() { this.choicesVal = ((typeof(this.choicesVal) != "undefined" && this.choicesVal !== null)?this.choicesVal:this.choices); var str = "", classDep; if ( typeof this.choicesDep == "undefined" || this.choicesDep == null ) this.choicesDep = new Array(); for (var i=0, h=this.choices.length; i'; } return '
'; }, after_show:function() { var m = this; $(document).on('click','[id*="'+m.name+'"]', function(){ if(0 < m.max) { var d = true; if($('[id*="'+m.name+'"]:checked').length < m.max) d = false; $('[id*="'+m.name+'"]:not(:checked)').prop('disabled', d); } }); if(0 < m.max) $('[id*="'+m.name+'"]').rules('add',{maxlength:m.max, messages:{maxlength:m.maxError}}); }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer ) { if(typeof hiddenByContainer == 'undefined') hiddenByContainer = {}; var me = this, item = $( 'input[id*="'+me.name+'"]' ), form_identifier = me.form_identifier, isHidden = (typeof toHide[ me.name ] != 'undefined' || typeof hiddenByContainer[ me.name ] != 'undefined' ), result = []; try { item.each(function(i,e){ if( typeof me.choicesDep[i] != 'undefined' && me.choicesDep[ i ].length ) { var checked = e.checked; for( var j = 0, k = me.choicesDep[ i ].length; j < k; j++) { if(!/fieldname/i.test(me.choicesDep[i][j])) continue; var dep = me.choicesDep[i][j]+form_identifier; if( isHidden || !checked) { if( typeof toShow[ dep ] != 'undefined' ) { delete toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ][ me.name+'_'+i ]; if( $.isEmptyObject(toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ]) ) delete toShow[ dep ]; } if( typeof toShow[ dep ] == 'undefined' ) { $( '[id*="'+dep+'"],.'+dep ).closest( '.fields' ).hide(); $( '[id*="'+dep+'"]:not(.ignore)' ).addClass( 'ignore' ); toHide[ dep ] = {}; } } else { delete toHide[ dep ]; if( typeof toShow[ dep ] == 'undefined' ) toShow[ dep ] = { 'ref': {}}; toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ][ me.name+'_'+i ] = 1; if(!(dep in hiddenByContainer)) { $( '[id*="'+dep+'"],.'+dep ).closest( '.fields' ).show(); $( '[id*="'+dep+'"].ignore' ).removeClass( 'ignore' ); } } if($.inArray(dep,result) == -1) result.push( dep ); } } }); } catch( e ){ } return result; }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var v, me = this, m = me.merge && !raw, e = $('[id*="' + me.name + '"]:checked:not(.ignore)'); if(!m) v = []; if( e.length ) { e.each( function(){ var t = (m) ? $.fbuilder.parseVal(this.value) : $.fbuilder.parseValStr((raw == 'vt') ? this.getAttribute('vt') : this.value, raw); if(!$.isNumeric(t)) t = t.replace(/^"/,'').replace(/"$/,''); if(m) v = (v)?v+t:t; else v.push(t); }); } return (typeof v == 'object' && typeof v['length'] !== 'undefined') ? v : ((v) ? (($.isNumeric(v)) ? v : '"'+v+'"') : 0); }, setVal:function( v, nochange ) { var t, n = this.name; if( !$.isArray( v ) ) v = [v]; $( '[id*="'+n+'"]' ).prop( 'checked', false ); for( var i in v ) { t = (new String(v[i])).replace(/(['"])/g, "\\$1"); $( '[id*="'+n+'"][vt="'+t+'"],[id*="'+n+'"][value="'+t+'"]' ).prop( 'checked', true ); } if(!nochange) $( '[id*="'+n+'"]' ).change(); }, setChoices:function(choices) { if($.isPlainObject(choices)) { var me = this, bk = me.val(true); if('texts' in choices && $.isArray(choices.texts)) me.choices = choices.texts; if('values' in choices && $.isArray(choices.values)) me.choicesVal = choices.values; if('dependencies' in choices && $.isArray(choices.dependencies)) { me.choicesDep = choices.dependencies.map( function(x){ return ($.isArray(x)) ? x.map( function(y){ return (typeof y == 'number') ? 'fieldname'+parseInt(y) : y; }) : x; } ); } var html = me.show(), e = $('.'+me.name), c = e.attr('class'), i = e.find('.ignore').length, ipb = e.find('.ignorepb').length; e.replaceWith(html); e = $('.'+me.name); e.attr('class', c); if(i) e.find('input').addClass('ignore'); if(ipb) e.find('input').addClass('ignorepb'); if(!$.isArray(bk)) bk = [bk]; for(var j in bk) { try{ bk[j] = JSON.parse(bk[j]); }catch(err){} } me.setVal(bk, bk.every(function(e){ return me.choicesVal.indexOf(e) > -1; })); } }, getIndex:function() { var i = []; $('[name*="'+this.name+'"]').each(function(j,v){if(this.checked){i.push(j);}}); return i; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fradio' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fradio' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Select a Choice", ftype:"fradio", layout:"one_column", required:false, readonly:false, onoff:0, toSubmit:"text", choiceSelected:"", showDep:false, untickAccepted:true, show:function() { this.choicesVal = ((typeof(this.choicesVal) != "undefined" && this.choicesVal !== null)?this.choicesVal:this.choices); var l = this.choices.length, str = "", classDep = ""; if ( typeof this.choicesDep == "undefined" || this.choicesDep == null ) this.choicesDep = new Array(); for (var i=0;i'; } return '
'; }, after_show: function() { var me = this, n = me.name; if(me.untickAccepted) { $(document).off('click', '[id*="'+n+'_"]').on('click', '[id*="'+n+'_"]', function(){ var m = this, e = $(m); $('[id*="'+n+'_"]').each(function(){if(m !== this) $(this).data('previous-status', false);}); if(e.data('previous-status')){ m.checked = false; e.change();} e.data('previous-status', m.checked); }); } }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer ) { if(typeof hiddenByContainer == 'undefined') hiddenByContainer = {}; var me = this, item = $( 'input[id*="'+me.name+'"]' ), form_identifier = me.form_identifier, isHidden = ( typeof toHide[ me.name ] != 'undefined' || typeof hiddenByContainer[ me.name ] != 'undefined' ), result = []; try { item.each(function(i,e){ if( typeof me.choicesDep[i] != 'undefined' && me.choicesDep[ i ].length ) { var checked = e.checked; for( var j = 0, k = me.choicesDep[ i ].length; j < k; j++) { if(!/fieldname/i.test(me.choicesDep[i][j])) continue; var dep = me.choicesDep[i][j]+form_identifier; if(isHidden || !checked) { if(typeof toShow[ dep ] != 'undefined') { delete toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ][ me.name+'_'+i ]; if( $.isEmptyObject(toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ]) ) delete toShow[ dep ]; } if( typeof toShow[ dep ] == 'undefined' ) { $( '[id*="'+dep+'"],.'+dep ).closest( '.fields' ).hide(); $( '[id*="'+dep+'"]:not(.ignore)' ).addClass( 'ignore' ); toHide[ dep ] = {}; } } else { delete toHide[ dep ]; if( typeof toShow[ dep ] == 'undefined' ) toShow[ dep ] = { 'ref': {}}; toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ][ me.name+'_'+i ] = 1; if(!(dep in hiddenByContainer)) { $( '[id*="'+dep+'"],.'+dep ).closest( '.fields' ).show(); $( '[id*="'+dep+'"].ignore' ).removeClass( 'ignore' ); } } if($.inArray(dep,result) == -1) result.push( dep ); } } }); } catch( e ){ } return result; }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id*="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore):checked' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( (raw == 'vt') ? e.attr('vt') : e.val(), raw ); return 0; }, setVal:function( v, nochange ) { var t = (new String(v)).replace(/(['"])/g, "\\$1"), n = this.name; $( '[id*="'+n+'"]' ).prop( 'checked', false ); $( '[id*="'+n+'"][vt="'+t+'"],[id*="'+n+'"][value="'+t+'"]' ).prop( 'checked', true ); if(!nochange) $( '[id*="'+n+'"]' ).change(); }, setChoices:function(choices) { if($.isPlainObject(choices)) { var bk = this.val(true); if('texts' in choices && $.isArray(choices.texts)) this.choices = choices.texts; if('values' in choices && $.isArray(choices.values)) this.choicesVal = choices.values; if('dependencies' in choices && $.isArray(choices.dependencies)) { this.choicesDep = choices.dependencies.map( function(x){ return ($.isArray(x)) ? x.map( function(y){ return (typeof y == 'number') ? 'fieldname'+parseInt(y) : y; }) : x; } ); } var html = this.show(), e = $('.'+this.name), c = e.attr('class'), i = e.find('.ignore').length, ipb = e.find('.ignorepb').length; e.replaceWith(html); e = $('.'+this.name); e.attr('class', c); if(i) e.find('input').addClass('ignore'); if(ipb) e.find('input').addClass('ignorepb'); try{ bk = JSON.parse(bk); }catch(err){} this.setVal(bk, this.choicesVal.indexOf(bk) > -1); } }, getIndex:function() { var i = -1; $('[name*="'+this.name+'"]').each(function(j,v){if(this.checked){i = j; return false;}}); return i; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdropdown' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdropdown' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Select a Choice", ftype:"fdropdown", size:"medium", required:false, toSubmit:"text", merge:0, choiceSelected:"", select2:false, multiple:false, vChoices:1, showDep:false, show:function() { this.choicesVal = ((typeof(this.choicesVal) != "undefined" && this.choicesVal !== null)?this.choicesVal:this.choices) var c = this.choices, cv = this.choicesVal, og = (typeof this.optgroup == 'undefined') ? new Array() : this.optgroup, op_o = false, l = c.length, classDep = '', str = ''; if ( typeof this.choicesDep == "undefined" || this.choicesDep == null ) this.choicesDep = new Array(); for (var i=0;i'; op_o = true; } else { str += ''; } } if(op_o) str += ''; return '
'+ '
'; }, after_show:function() { var me = this; if(me.select2) { $('#'+me.name).after(''); $('#'+me.name).on('change', function(){$(this).valid();}); if('select2' in $.fn) $('#'+me.name).select2({'dropdownParent':$('#'+me.name).next('.cff-select2-container')}); else $(document).ready(function(){if('select2' in $.fn) $('#'+me.name).select2({'dropdownParent':$('#'+me.name).next('.cff-select2-container')});}); } }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer ) { if(typeof hiddenByContainer == 'undefined') hiddenByContainer = {}; var me = this, item = $( '#'+me.name+'.depItemSel' ), form_identifier = me.form_identifier, isHidden = ( typeof toHide[ me.name ] != 'undefined' || typeof hiddenByContainer[ me.name ] != 'undefined' ), result = []; try { if( item.length ) { var selected = []; $(item).find(':selected').each(function(){selected.push($(this).data('i'));}); for( var i = 0, h = me.choices.length; i < h; i++ ) { if( typeof me.choicesDep[i] != 'undefined' && me.choicesDep[ i ].length ) { for( var j = 0, k = me.choicesDep[ i ].length; j < k; j++) { if(!/fieldname/i.test(me.choicesDep[i][j])) continue; var dep = me.choicesDep[i][j]+form_identifier; if( isHidden || $.inArray(i,selected) == -1) { if( typeof toShow[ dep ] != 'undefined' ) { delete toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ][ me.name+'_'+i ]; if( $.isEmptyObject(toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ]) ) delete toShow[ dep ]; } if( typeof toShow[ dep ] == 'undefined' ) { $( '[id*="'+dep+'"],.'+dep ).closest( '.fields' ).hide(); $( '[id*="'+dep+'"]:not(.ignore)' ).addClass( 'ignore' ); toHide[ dep ] = {}; } } else { delete toHide[ dep ]; if( typeof toShow[ dep ] == 'undefined' ) toShow[ dep ] = { 'ref': {}}; toShow[ dep ][ 'ref' ][ me.name+'_'+i ] = 1; if(!(dep in hiddenByContainer)) { $( '[id*="'+dep+'"],.'+dep ).closest( '.fields' ).show(); $( '[id*="'+dep+'"].ignore' ).removeClass( 'ignore' ); } } if($.inArray(dep,result) == -1) result.push( dep ); } } } } } catch( e ){} return result; }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore) option:selected' ), v, m = this.multiple, g = this.merge && !raw; if(m && !g) v = []; if(e.length) { e.each(function(){ var t = $.fbuilder.parseValStr((raw == 'vt') ? this.getAttribute('vt') : this.value, raw); if(!$.isNumeric(t)) t = t.replace(/^"/,'').replace(/"$/,''); if(!m || g) v = (v)?v+t:t; else v.push(t); }); } return (typeof v == 'object' && typeof v['length'] !== 'undefined') ? v : ((v) ? (($.isNumeric(v)) ? v : '"'+v+'"') : 0); }, setVal:function( v, nochange ) { if( !$.isArray( v ) ) v = [v]; var t, n = this.name; for(var i in v) { t = (new String(v[i])).replace(/(['"])/g, "\\$1"); $( '[id="'+n+'"] OPTION[vt="'+t+'"],[id="'+n+'"] OPTION[value="'+t+'"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); } if(!nochange) $( '[id="'+n+'"]' ).change(); }, setChoices:function(choices) { if($.isPlainObject(choices)) { var me = this, bk = me.val(true); if('texts' in choices && $.isArray(choices.texts)) me.choices = choices.texts; if('values' in choices && $.isArray(choices.values)) me.choicesVal = choices.values; if('dependencies' in choices && $.isArray(choices.dependencies)) { me.choicesDep = choices.dependencies.map( function(x){ return ($.isArray(x)) ? x.map( function(y){ return (typeof y == 'number') ? 'fieldname'+parseInt(y) : y; }) : x; } ); } if('optgroup' in choices && $.isArray(choices.optgroup)) me.optgroup = choices.optgroup; var html = me.show(), e = $('.'+me.name), c = e.attr('class'), i = e.find('.ignore').length, ipb = e.find('.ignorepb').length; e.replaceWith(html); e = $('.'+me.name); e.attr('class', c); if(i) e.find('select').addClass('ignore'); if(ipb) e.find('select').addClass('ignorepb'); if(!$.isArray(bk)) bk = [bk]; for(var j in bk) { try{ bk[j] = JSON.parse(bk[j]); }catch(err){} } me.setVal(bk, bk.every(function(e){ return me.choicesVal.indexOf(e) > -1; })); } }, getIndex:function() { var f = $('[name*="'+this.name+'"]'); if(this.multiple){ var i = []; f.find('option').each(function(j,v){if(this.selected) i.push(j);}); return i; } else return f[0].selectedIndex; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffile' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffile' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ffile", required:false, size:"medium", accept:"", upload_size:"", multiple:false, preview: false, thumb_width: '80px', thumb_height: '', _patch: false, // Used only if the submission is being updated to preserves the previous values init: function(){ this.thumb_width = $.trim(this.thumb_width); this.thumb_height = $.trim(this.thumb_height); var form_identifier = this.form_identifier.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''); this._patch = ('cpcff_default' in window && form_identifier in cpcff_default) ? true : false; }, show:function() { this.accept = $.fbuilder.htmlEncode($.trim(this.accept)); this.upload_size = $.fbuilder.htmlEncode($.trim(this.upload_size)); return '
'+((this._patch) ? '' : '' )+''+this.userhelp+'
'; }, after_show:function() { var me = this; if(!('accept' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod("accept", function(value, element, param) { if( this.optional( element ) ) return true; else{ param = typeof param === "string" ? param.replace(/,/g, '|') : "png|jpe?g|gif"; var regExpObj = new RegExp(".(" + param + ")$", "i"); for( var i = 0, h = element.files.length; i < h; i++ ) if( !element.files[ i ].name.match( regExpObj ) ) return false; return true; } }); if(!('upload_size' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod("upload_size", function(value, element,params) { if( this.optional( element ) ) return true; else{ var total = 0; for( var i = 0, h = element.files.length; i < h; i++ ) total += element.files[ i ].size/1024; return ( total <= params ); } }); $( '#'+me.name ).change( function(){ var h = this.files.length, n = 0; $( this ).siblings( 'span.files-list' ).remove(); $('[id="'+me.name+'_patch"]').remove(); if(1 <= h) { var filesContainer = $(''); for( var i = 0; i < h; i++ ) { (function(i, file){ if(me.preview && file.type.match('image.*') && 'FileReader' in window) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { var img = $(''); img.attr('src', e.target.result).css('maxWidth', '100%'); if(me.thumb_height != '') img.attr('height', me.thumb_height); if(me.thumb_width != '') img.attr('width', me.thumb_width); filesContainer.append($(''+(n ? ', ' : '')+'').append(img)); n++; }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else if(1 < h){filesContainer.append($('').text((n ? ', ' : '')+file.name));n++;} })(i, this.files[i]); } $( '#'+this.id+'_clearer' ).after( filesContainer ); } }); $('#'+me.name+'_clearer').click(function(){$('#'+me.name).val('').change().valid();}); }, val : function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( "[id='" + this.name + "']:not(.ignore)" ), result = '', separator = ''; if( e.length ) { if(raw) result = e[0].files; else { for(var i = 0, h = e[0].files.length; i
'; }, after_show:function() { if( this.regExp != "" && typeof $[ 'validator' ] != 'undefined' ) { var parts = this.regExp.match(/(\/)(.*)(\/)([gimy]{0,4})$/i); this.regExp = ( parts === null ) ? new RegExp(this.regExp) : new RegExp(parts[2],parts[4].toLowerCase()); if(!('pattern' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod( 'pattern', function( value, element, param ) { try{ return this.optional(element) || param.test( value ); } catch(err){return true;} } ); $('#'+this.name).rules('add',{'pattern':this.regExp, messages:{'pattern':this.regExpMssg}}); } }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e.val(), raw ); return 0; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPhone' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPhone' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Phone", ftype:"fPhone", required:false, readonly:false, dformat:"### ### ####", predefined:"888 888 8888", show:function() { this.predefined = new String(this._getAttr('predefined', true)); var me = this, str = "", tmp = this.dformat.split(' '), tmpv = this.predefined.split(' '), attr = ( typeof this.predefinedClick != 'undefined' && this.predefinedClick ) ? 'placeholder' : 'value'; for (var i=0;i
'; } } return '
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'+( ( !/^\s*$/.test( me.title ) ) ? '


': '' )+'
'; for( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { if( !/^\s*$/.test( p[ i ] ) ) { p[ i ] = $.trim( p[ i ] ); str += '
'; } } str += '
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'+( ( !/^\s*$/.test( this.title ) ) ? ''+this.title+'' : '' )+'
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'; }, _show_audio: function() { return this._show_audio_video( this.data.audio, false ); }, _show_video: function() { return this._show_audio_video( this.data.video, true ); }, show:function() { return '
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' } return '
'+ '
'; }, after_show:function() { $(document).on('click','.cff-open-dlg', function(){ var dlg = $(this).closest('.fields').find('.cff-dialog'), w = dlg.data('width'), h=dlg.data('height'); dlg.removeClass('hide'); if('undefined' == typeof w) w = MIN($(this).closest('form').width(), $(window).width(), dlg.width()); if('undefined' == typeof h) h = MIN($(this).closest('form').height(), $(window).height(), dlg.height()); dlg.data('width',w); dlg.data('height',h); dlg.css({'width': w+'px', 'height': h+'px', 'margin-top': (-1*h/2)+'px', 'margin-left': (-1*w/2)+'px'}); }); $(document).on('click','.cff-close-dlg', function(){$(this).closest('.cff-dialog').addClass('hide');}); }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $('[id="'+this.name+'"]:checked:not(.ignore)'); if( e.length ) { var t = $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e[0].value, raw ); if(!$.isNumeric(t)) t = t.replace(/^"/,'').replace(/"$/,''); } return (t) ? (($.isNumeric(t)) ? t : '"'+t+'"') : 0; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fCalculated' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fCalculated' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"fCalculated", predefined:"", required:false, size:"medium", min:"", max:"", eq:"", suffix:"", prefix:"", decimalsymbol:".", groupingsymbol:"", dependencies:[ {'rule' : '', 'complex' : false, 'fields' : [ '' ] } ], readonly:true, currency:false, noEvalIfManual:true, formatDynamically:false, hidefield:false, show:function() { this.predefined = this._getAttr('predefined'); return '
'+( ( !this.hidefield ) ? ''+this.userhelp+'' : '' )+'
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} } ).on('keyup', function(){ if(!me.readonly) { if(me.noEvalIfManual) e.data('manually', 1); e.trigger('calcualtedfield_changed'); } }).on('change', function(){ if( e.data('manually') && e.data('manually') == 1 && me.formatDynamically ) { var v = me.val(); this.value = $.fbuilder.calculator.format(v, configuration); } try { $(this).valid(); } catch(err) {} }); $('#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform'+me.form_identifier).bind('reset', function(){e.removeData('manually');}); }, showHideDep: function( toShow, toHide, hiddenByContainer ) { if(typeof hiddenByContainer == 'undefined') hiddenByContainer = {}; var me = this, result = []; if($.fbuilder[ 'calculator' ].getDepList(me.name, {value: me.val(), raw: me.val(true)}, me.dependencies)) { var item = $( '#'+me.name ), identifier = me.form_identifier, isHidden= ( typeof toHide[ me.name ] != 'undefined' || typeof hiddenByContainer[ me.name ] != 'undefined' ), d, n, dep, clearRef = function(id){ if( typeof toShow[ id ] != 'undefined' ) { delete toShow[ id ][ 'ref' ][ me.name ]; if( $.isEmptyObject(toShow[ id ][ 'ref' ]) ) delete toShow[ id ]; } }, hideField = function(id){ $( '[id*="'+id+'"],.'+id ).closest( '.fields' ).hide(); $( '[id*="'+id+'"]:not(.ignore)' ).addClass( 'ignore' ); toHide[ id ] = {}; }; try { d = item.attr( 'dep' ); if( typeof d != 'undefined' && !/^\s*$/.test( d ) ) d = d.split( ',' ); else d = []; n = item.attr( 'notdep' ); if( typeof n != 'undefined' && !/^\s*$/.test( n ) ) n = n.split( ',' ); else n = []; if(isHidden) { n = n.concat(d); d = []; } for ( i=0; i= 0; i--){ counter++; str = parts[0][i] + str; if( counter%3 == 0 && i != 0 ) str = config.groupingsymbol + str; } parts[0] = str; } if(!('decimalsymbol' in config)) config.decimalsymbol = '.'; value = parts.join( config.decimalsymbol ); } if(config.currency && !isNumeric) { delete config.prefix; delete config.suffix; } if( config.prefix ) { if(!config.currency) { value = symbol + value; symbol = ''; } value = config.prefix + value; } if( config.suffix ) value += config.suffix; value = symbol+value; } return value; }, unformat : function( field ) { var escapeSymbol = $.fbuilder.escapeSymbol; var eq = field[0].form.equations, v = field.val(); for(var i = 0, h = eq.length; i < h; i++) { if(eq[i].result == field[0].id) { var c = eq[i].conf; // Configuration object if( c.prefix && !/^\s*$/.test( c.prefix ) ) { v = v.replace( new RegExp( "^" + escapeSymbol( c.prefix ) ), '' ); } if( c.suffix && !/^\s*$/.test( c.suffix ) ) { v = v.replace( new RegExp( escapeSymbol( c.suffix ) + "$" ), '' ); } if( !/[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)/.test( v ) ) { if( c.groupingsymbol && !/^\s*$/.test( c.groupingsymbol ) ) { v = v.replace( new RegExp( escapeSymbol( c.groupingsymbol ), 'g' ), '' ); } if( c.decimalsymbol && !/^\s*$/.test( c.decimalsymbol ) ) { v = v.replace( new RegExp( escapeSymbol( c.decimalsymbol ), 'g' ), '.' ); } } } } return v; } }; var obj = new CalcFieldClss(); // Associate events to the document for throw the corresponding equations $( document ).on('keyup change blur', '[id="fbuilder"] :input', function(evt) { // If evalequations = 0 the equations shouldn't be evaluated dynamically var t = $( evt.target ), f = t.closest( 'form' ), evalequations = f.attr( 'data-evalequations' ), evalequationsevent = f.attr( 'data-evalequationsevent' ); if( typeof evalequations != 'undefined' && evalequations*1 == 0 && ( !(t.hasClass('codepeoplecalculatedfield' ) && evt.type == 'change') || (t.hasClass('codepeoplecalculatedfield' ) && t.data('manually') == 1) ) ) { return; } if( evt.type == 'keyup' ) { if('undefined' != typeof evalequationsevent && evalequationsevent*1 == 1) { return; } // The key out of range if(evt.keyCode && (evt.keyCode >= 33 && evt.keyCode <= 40)) return; _checkValueThrowingEquation( t ); } else { if( /*t.hasClass( 'depItem' ) ||*/ ( ( t.prop( 'tagName' ) == 'INPUT' && /(text|number|email|password)/.test(t.attr( 'type' ).toLowerCase()) || t.prop( 'tagName' ) == 'TEXTAREA' ) && evt.type != 'change' ) ) { return; } obj.Calculate( t[0] ); } }); //Associate an event to the document waiting for the showHideDepEvent and recalculate all equations $(document).on( 'showHideDepEvent', function( evt, form_identifier ) { // If evalequations = 0 the equations shouldn't be evaluated dynamically var f, evalequations, first_time; 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}catch( err ){}if(typeof $.fn['fbuilder_serializeObject'] == 'undefined') { $.fn.fbuilder_serializeObject = function() { var o = {}, a = this.serializeArray(); $.each(a, function() { if(/^fieldname\d+_\d+(\[\])?$/.test(this.name)) this.name = this.name.match(/fieldname\d+/)[0]; else return; if (o[this.name]) { if (!o[this.name].push) { o[this.name] = [o[this.name]]; } o[this.name].push(this.value || ''); } else { o[this.name] = this.value || ''; } }); return o; }; } $.fn.fbuilder_localstorage = function(){ var form = this, id = form.attr('id'), sq = (typeof id == 'undefined') ? 1 : id.replace(/[^\d]/g,''), localStore_obj, fields; if(sq == '') sq = 1; localStore_obj = new $.fbuilder_localstorage(form, true); $(document).on('change', '#'+id+' *', function(evt){ if( typeof this['id'] != 'undefined' && /^fieldname\d+_\d+$/i.test(this.id) && typeof this['value'] != 'undefined' ) { localStore_obj.set_fields(); } }); form.on('submit', function(){localStore_obj.clear_fields();}); fields = localStore_obj.get_fields(); if(!$.isEmptyObject(fields)) { if(typeof cpcff_default == 'undefined') cpcff_default = {}; if(typeof cpcff_default[sq] == 'undefined') cpcff_default[sq] = {}; cpcff_default[sq] = $.extend(cpcff_default[sq], fields); } return this; } $.fbuilder_localstorage = function(form, debug){ this.form = form; this.id = form.attr('id')+'_'+form.find('[name="cp_calculatedfieldsf_id"]').val(); this.debug = (typeof debug != 'undefined' && debug) ? true : false; }; $.fbuilder_localstorage.prototype = (function(){ /** Private variables **/ var is_available; /** Private functions **/ function _log(mssg) { if(typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(mssg); }; return { is_available : function() { if(typeof is_available != 'undefined') return is_available; try { var storage = window['localStorage'], x = '__storage_test__'; storage.setItem(x, x); storage.removeItem(x); is_available = true; return true; } catch(e) { if(this.debug) _log( 'localStorage object is not available' ); is_available = false; return e instanceof DOMException && ( e.code === 22 || e.code === 1014 || e.name === 'QuotaExceededError' || e.name === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED') && storage.length !== 0; } }, get_fields : function(){ try{ if(typeof this.fields == 'undefined') this.fields = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.id)); return this.fields; } catch(err) { _log( 'Error reading the fields.' ); _log( err ); } }, set_fields : function(){ try{ this.fields = this.form.fbuilder_serializeObject(); localStorage.setItem(this.id, JSON.stringify(this.fields)); } catch(err) { _log( 'Error saving the fields.' ); _log( err ); } }, clear_fields : function(){ try{ localStorage.removeItem(this.id); } catch(err) { _log( 'Error deleting the fields.' ); _log( err ); } } }; })(); $.fbuilder.generate_form = function(fnum){ try { var cp_calculatedfieldsf_fbuilder_config = window["cp_calculatedfieldsf_fbuilder_config"+fnum]; if( cp_calculatedfieldsf_fbuilder_config && $("#fbuilder"+fnum).length && $("#fbuilder"+fnum).attr('data-processed') == undefined ) { if($("#fbuilder"+fnum).is(':visible')) { var f = $("#fbuilder"+fnum).fbuilder(( typeof cp_calculatedfieldsf_fbuilder_config.obj == 'string' ) ? $.parseJSON(cp_calculatedfieldsf_fbuilder_config.obj) : cp_calculatedfieldsf_fbuilder_config.obj ); f.fBuild.loadData("form_structure"+fnum); f.attr('data-processed', 1); } else { $.fbuilder.form_become_visible( "#fbuilder"+fnum, (function(n){ return function(){ $.fbuilder.generate_form(n);}; })(fnum) ); } } } catch (e) {if(typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(e);} }; // End generate_form $.fbuilder.form_become_visible = function(element, callback){ if(!('hidden_forms' in $.fbuilder)) $.fbuilder.hidden_forms = []; $.fbuilder.hidden_forms.push({'element':element, 'callback':callback}); if('form_become_visible_interval' in $.fbuilder) clearInterval($.fbuilder['form_become_visible_interval']); $.fbuilder['form_become_visible_interval'] = setInterval(function(){ for(var i = $.fbuilder.hidden_forms.length - 1; 0<=i; i--) { if($($.fbuilder.hidden_forms[i]['element']).is(':visible')) { $.fbuilder.hidden_forms[i]['callback'].call(); $.fbuilder.hidden_forms.splice(i,1); } } if($.fbuilder.hidden_forms.length == 0) clearInterval($.fbuilder['form_become_visible_interval']); }, 500); }; // End form_become_visible } // End if(!('fbuilder' in $)) var fcount = 1; var fnum = "_"+fcount; while(typeof window["cp_calculatedfieldsf_fbuilder_config"+fnum] != 'undefined' || fcount < 10 ) { $.fbuilder.generate_form(fnum); fcount++; fnum = "_"+fcount; } })(fbuilderjQuery); }; fbuilderjQuery(fbuilderjQuery.fbuilderjQueryGenerator); fbuilderjQuery(window).on('load',fbuilderjQuery.fbuilderjQueryGenerator);